• +258876065018
  • ajadhmocambique@gmail.com
  • Maputo - Moçambique
Comissão científica
Josué Bila

Josué Bila

Josué Bila is an anthropologist and human rights journalist-activist. He is currently a PhD candidate in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies at the University of Coimbra. He holds a master’s degree in social anthropology from the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), since 2017, and a bachelor’s degree in theology from Mackenzie Presbyterian University – Sao Paulo (Brazil), since 2013. He has a certificate in human rights and political journalism from PUC-SP (Pontifical Catholic University – São Paulo), through the International Exchange in Human Rights, of the Global South Program of Conectas Human Rights, funded by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa – OSISA (2006 -2007). As a result of his studies in social anthropology and human rights, he researches the relationship between privilege, structural violence and human rights in Mozambique. He is also the former editor-in-chief of the magazine “Democracy and Human Rights” of the Mozambican Human Rights League (2003-2005), former reporter for the newspaper “O PAÍS” (2002-2003) and former correspondent for the newspaper Pravda “Notícias e materiais analíticos – PortPravda” (2008-2011). Personal site: http://www.dhnet.org.br/dados/livros/dh/josue_bila/ Personal blog: https://bantulandia.blogspot.com.br.

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Bila, Josué (2023), “Os privilégios e a subversão dos direitos humanos em Moçambique.”in Silas Fiorotti… (et al.). (org.), Histórias e Políticas em Contextos Africanos. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia, 289-320

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377395543_Os_Privilegios_e_a_Subversao_dos_Direitos_Humanos_em_Mocambique

Article in Scientific Journal

Bila, Josué (2021), “História da antropologia afro-cosmopolita: críticas à história da antropologia eurocêntrica”, Revista África e Africanidades, Ano XIV, 38, 98-116

Link: https://africaeafricanidades.com.br/documentos/dossierelacoesinternacionais2021.pdf#page=1

Book Chapter

Bila, Josué (2020), Prefácioin Nwana Wa Maloa (Joaquim Maloa) (org.), Crime, “Estado Social” e Espaço Urbano:Uma reflexão sobre a realidade moçambicana.. Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2-5

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375913783_BILA_Josue_Prefacio_In_MALOA_Nwana_wa_MALOA_Joaquim_Crime_Estado_Social_e_Espaco_Urbano

Download CV: https://ces.uc.pt/myces/UserFiles/curriculos/investigador_2469_cv_en_20240503_0815.pdf

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